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What if your smile were perfect? 

What is Beauty? 

Beauty is the phenomenon of experiencing pleasantness through a stimulus, characterized by balance and proportion perception. Objectively defining beauty is almost impossible; everyone has a different understanding of beauty based on their experiences, outlook on life, culture, gender, and age. Beauty is immeasurable, but harmony-especially the most crucial component of physical beauty-is measurable. We can observe the golden ratio or the golden proportion in nature and the most famous works of art. In the faces of many individuals we describe as beautiful, we also find the golden ratio. If we draw a rectangle around Mona Lisa's face, the ratio of its length to its width is equal to the golden ratio. Symmetry has been scientifically proven to be attractive to the human eye, but not all facial features contribute equally to the perception of beauty. According to Prof. Dr. Golden PATZER, there are five predominant features in the perception of physical attractiveness: 

  • Teeth 76%

  • Smile 75%

  • Lips 73%

  • Eyes 63%

  • Nose 58% 

I don't only use traditional smile design principles because traditional design focuses on creating perfectly symmetric teeth. However, teeth in an asymmetric frame like the face can lead to incongruity. Dentistry is not only a science but also an art that, in many ways, acts as an artist completing unique facial features for an individually tailored perfect smile. 

Beauty can be subjective; it is not just about balance. Balance is more of a creation between my patient and me, using the principles of Digital Smile Design, as I understand how the human eye perceives beauty. 

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